Pat Flynn
This guy is awesome, amazing, and a person you should know and follow. Pat Flynn’s original concept was a product called Smart Passive Income. It eventually blossomed into podcasts, videos, and meetups. He’s published multiple books and offers a bunch of useful courses.
I heard about Pat Flynn eight years ago when I was first entertaining the idea of a podcast. He was based in San Diego, which made him instantly more awesome in my mind. Pat had a non-assuming way of approaching his audience. He was doing something I wanted to do. What was that? He was taking his “how to make money” ideas and showing his audience how. He didn’t just tell people something he knew, he showed them how. Pat used video, podcasting, and blogging to take his audience by the hand and give them practical guidance on how to create side income by doing things he had already done himself.
This was at a time when people flocked to money gurus like Tai Lopez and Grant Cardone. Instead of showing off an exotic car, Pat simply brought his audience along on his own journey…a very real journey, that doesn’t result in mansions, jets, and lambos.
Check out Pat’s website to get a sense of his mission. You’ll find some amazing tools, courses, and inspiration with his courses on Smart Passive Income:
Pat’s courses are worth the investment (just join the academy), but you’ll find some great free resources as well, like this one: Build Your Own Brand (BYOB) a 5-Day Challenge: