San Diego, California

Gig Out

Gig Out by Dana Robinson

There is no shortage of good reasons to own a business. Business is one of the primary ways that people in America move out of poverty and become financially autonomous. However, business ownership comes with major risks: capital outlays; ongoing investment; massive time requirements; expertise; fluctuations in income, and unforeseen expenses can bankrupt a small business. In fact, most businesses fail.

Whether you own a business or are an employee, Gig Out gives you a unique look into the massive upsides and minimal downsides of owning a side gig rather than a business. Dana calls the side gig a “non-business.” You don’t need to own a business when you can own a non-business and generate the money you need to live the good life!

A side gig can bring a steady and often substantial income without the typical risks of business ownership. Inside this book, you’ll see many examples showing real-life side gigs that can earn you $400 to $4,000 per month. What is magical about a side gig is not only that it produces a steady stream of income but that it does so without the same risks and investment as a normal business. Side gigs have:

  • Low capital outlay
  • Low ongoing capital requirement
  • Low time required (2 hours a week on average)
  • Steady income of $200-400/mo base with upward potential without much extra effort
  • Low liability, low risk
  • Low stress

Learn how others are doing it, and use the author’s tools to help discover how you might start or buy your own side gig.

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